[Salon] Would Trump really pull out of Ukraine? With John Mearsheimer | SpectatorTV - YouTube

Most significant times to listen to, in descending order of significance: 
6:35 - 7:16
6:00 - 7:16
4:40 - 7:16

Mearsheimer speaking the truth on the Trump administration. 

Yesterday, and for the last 8 or so years, I have denounced Trump as a Liar nonpareil, to include his lying "infrastructure” (see Vietnam for “infrastructure") as collaborators in his “Big Lie.” Which was that he was all about bringing “Peace” to the country with the war weariness that had set in, and blaming all the post-Vietnam Wars as the product of the “NeoCons!” Never mind it was the Republican GHWB trumpeting he had “kicked the Vietnam Syndrome,” speaking for the the Conservative War Hawks, which was in fact what defined “Conservative” for Willmoore Kendall and his co-founders of U.S. Militarism, calling that “Conservative.” Ignoring their ideological “genealogy” (sorry for that word, but that’s the word used to describe an ideology from its “origin,” to its current form) to the most hawkish “Conservatives” who were the founders of the Conservative Movement. Denouncing as they did everyone whom they deemed “liberal,” using that as an epithet. Which included Eisenhower!

So I don’t complain of Trump’s Lies in the "Never-Trumper" manner of complaining that he was Putin’s Puppet, “weakening the U.S.,” and “destroying NATO.” As how could the latter be true when he was doing everything possible to “enhance” the military might of NATO with he and his minions twisting the arms of NATO countries with demands that they fork over ever more of their nation’s wealth to what is in fact a U.S. Military Command? Which Trump clearly desired for “out of area” military operations against China and Iran as his most immediate priorities were, and always remained. And for military operations would have necessarily included Russia. Which all of his doctrinal documents “hinted” were the targets: the 2017 NSS, the 2018 NMS and 2018 NDS. Which any intell analyst of any of those countries would have recognized as war-planning against them, even if that was, and is, obfuscated by Trump’s and now DeSantis’s, minions. 

So I complain of Trump’s lies of being for “peace” and "non-interventionism,” as “strategic deceptions" aimed at that minuscule faction of so-called “non-interventionist Conservatives,” and ordinary people who were war-weary, as campaign tactics per the “Six-party Theory”  of Trump’s 2016 Campaign Advisor Arthur Finkelstein. Who was manager/advisor to virtually all significant right-wing candidates, in the US, and Israel, of the Republicans and Likud parties, and evidence that they are indistinguishable per political theory, if not national characteristics. 

But trying to tell a Conservative or even some antiwar people who had invested so much in that “Hope,” was like talking to a corpse. That includes trying to point out to Conservatives/libertarians that the right-wing rag “The Spectator” was inciting war against Russia as much as anyone, or more, even though I could readily attach links to their vastly disproportionate pro-war coverage of that issue. 

But, in a refreshing exception to that, here is the John Mearsheimer in an interview with them, with even the interviewer readily acknowledging the Republicans as the greater “War Hawks,” than the Democrats, something rarely seen in any “non-interventionist Conservative” publication like the two I addressed yesterday.

4:40 - 7:16

6:00 - 7:16

6:35 - 7:16

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